Who are we ?
Designers :
Olivier Ninot, CNRS Research engineer
Catherine Valton, IRD Research engineer IRD
Webmaster :
Samuel Haroutunian, Research Engineer, University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
Les stagiaires cartographes :
Elliot Gosné, L3 Géographie et aménagement, 2024
Ulric Caen, M1 Carthagéo, 2023
Caroline Llacer, M1 Carthagéo, 2022
Agathe Launay, M1 Carthagéo, 2021
Ibrahima Badji, M1 Carthagéo, 2018
Félix Moulin, M1 Carthagéo, 2017
Editorial committee :
Pauline Gluski, Research Engineer, IRD
Samuel Haroutunian, Research Engineer, University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
Géraud Magrin, Professor, University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
Olivier Ninot, Research Engineer, CNRS
Antonine Ribardière, Lecturer, University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
Catherine Valton, Research Engineer, IRD
Acknowledgements :
Lioudmila Chalonina, Research Engineer, CNRS, Head of Géoprodig
Clément Bastin, computer science trainee (2019)
UAR Riate: collective author of the Magrit® software used for the cartographic processing of statistical indicators.
CNRS : organisation hosting the site
Sources :
- bp Statistical Review of World Energy
- FAO, Aquastat
- FranceAgriMer
- Fund for Peace
- International Energy Agency
- International Labour Organization
- International Telecommunications Union
- Mo Ibrahim Foundation
- Transparency International
- Unaids
- Unep
- Unesco
- Unicef
- World Bank
- World Conservation Monitoring Centre
- World Economic Forum
- World Population Prospects
- World Resources Institute
Photo credits :
© IRD – Daina Rechner, 2016
© IRD – Justine Montmarche, Recherches en laboratoire sur le Paludisme, 2010
© IRD – Tiphaine Chevallier, Vie rurale à Madagascar, 2015
© IRD – L’école au Burkina Faso, 1999
© IRD – Jean-Michel Boré, Blanchissement du corail en Nouvelle-Calédonie, 2016
© IRD – Élisabeth Deliry Antheaume, Foule multiraciale peinte sur le mur d’un bâtiment public, face à la plage de Jeffreys Bay, 1997
© IRD – Pascale Hancart Petitet, 2018
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